MEMORANDUM No. 3 to Brokers / Claims Handlers
1. In the English version of Memorandum No. 2 we used the term “to settle the claims”. This wording includes the handling of the claims without payment authority. Claims handlers may deal with claims and agree upon them, albeit up to the specific value stipulated in the former contracts with Gable Insurance AG.
2. Insofar as the brokers and claims handlers have already been compensated for the claims handling within the context of the contracts with Gable Insurance AG we assume that no further compensation is requested. In this case claims handling includes a delegated authority.
Insofar as the brokers and claims handlers have not been compensated for the claims handling they are requested to submit a proposal to the trustee in bankruptcy concerning their compensation before resuming work.
3. If there are any third party fees involved (e.g. adjusters’ fees), brokers and claims handlers must reach an agreement in advance with the trustee in bank-ruptcy.
4. This instruction might be replaced at a later stage once the trustee in bank-ruptcy has been able to set up a claims handling protocol with clear principles for claims handling.